One photo from my life a day, every day for a year.

One photo a day from my life, every day for a year. Okay, almost every day. Nobody likes a stickler for details.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 26 - Our first hike

Hiked Rattlesnake Ridge, marking the occasion of our first hike as a couple... and a great opportunity for some photos of the natural wonders of the northwest. Like this furry set of branches, for instance. Which look related to Bigfoot.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27 - Glorious shadows, a result of sun

There was someone wise who once said without the rain, there would be no sun. Or something. Anyway, the point is the shadows on my wall alerted me to the presence of the elusive yellow orb. Sun.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sometime later... there was a sweet hanging light fixture

More proof I have rad inlaws - this amazing hanging light fixture, nonchalantly hanging out in their entryway. LOVE.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

February sometime

Welllllll, okay. So I'm not an expert at routine. In fact, I consider routine bo-ring. So getting into a habit, any habit, is harder than breaking them. So that explains the strange gap between January and, well, now. But we'll just see.

I might get back on the daily horse yet.

Oh, we got blinds. Sweet sweet blinds. And then of course there's a beautiful blue sky day immediately after and so I got this - sun through blinds. I can't wait until summer.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jan. 30 - Collection

Spent the night at Casey's folks' house, where his mom has an amazing collection of blue depression glass.